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Opus Safety Partnership

Our consultancy-based service covers every element of compliance and is completely tailored to your needs and challenges.

Understand and act on risks

Our regular onsite visits locate hazards, shape bespoke compliance plans and give employees the know-how to bring them to life.

Win time and transform processes

We write a custom H&S policy, staff handbook and risk assessments, and streamline every compliance task with work-saving software.

Work with a dedicated expert

You're supported by an experienced specialist who understands safety best practice – and how it applies to your business.

complete compliance support

Full-service consultancy

We take care of day-to-day compliance requirements and
strategic health and safety planning.

Competent person services

Creating safety documentation and practices
Carrying out audits and assessments
Implementing accident prevention measures
Post-incident solicitor support

Safety documentation

Full risk audit of your business
No templates to complete
Bespoke H&S policy, risk assessments and staff handbook
Interactive employee quizzes

Regular site visits

Planned site visit schedule
Review of existing compliance practices
Risk assessments for new processes and equipment
Interactive team talks

Ongoing support

Proactive personal service
No call centres or automated phone menus
Industry and HSE updates
Help with civil claims and daily concerns

Accident management

Tailored accident prevention measures
RIDDOR reporting on your behalf
Expert investigation and enforcement support
Detailed risk reduction plans

Opus Compliance Cloud

Cloud-based compliance software
A 24/7 snapshot of safety performance
Trend tracking to solve recurring risks
Accident logging, asset management and reporting
the opus approach

How our consultancy partnerships work

We like to build lasting relationships. But that doesn't mean strict long-term contracts.

Partnerships begin with a business risk audit and grow with you. Along the way, you set realistic compliance goals – and get the tools, tactics and training to achieve them.

Speak to a consultant

Common-sense savings

Compliance is full of inflated costs. We help you navigate mandatory requirements – and avoid unnecessary expense.  

A positive way forward

We shape flexible H&S plans to keep you protected and productive - not lists of restrictive rules.

Personalised safety support  

You get hands-on help with everyday compliance tasks and step-by-step programmes to reduce risk.

Long-term relationships  

You need a compliance partner you can depend on. We’re honest, accessible and always thinking ahead.

Knowledge transfer

Create a compliance-focused workforce

We work with your team to ensure H&S is an everyday priority. Tailored talks, processes and training put your programme into context. So staff understand their role in workplace safety - and care about your compliance goals.

Staff Q&A sessions

Your safety plan relies on staff buy-in. Our site visits include team catch-ups to uncover skills gaps and share the bigger compliance picture.

Flexible training options

Online e-learning lets employees upskill at their own pace, with interactive modules covering essentials from manual handling to fire safety.

Easy-to-follow processes

Scannable QR codes provide clear instructions for in-house audits, checks and hazard reporting - so safety knowledge becomes second nature.  


How we price our partnerships

We tailor our service to you, which means we don't do fixed costs. What you pay depends on factors such as site numbers, equipment, risk levels and business activities.

We assess your company, discuss your needs and present a clear pricing plan, so you know exactly what to expect.
Here are a few examples.

Low-risk business

Office, retail space, restaurant or small warehouse
+ £0 upstart fee
+ £90-115/mo for each additional site
Opus Safety Partnership consultancy support - including a dedicated consultant, written risk assessments, safety documentation, unlimited phone support and more
Opus Compliance Cloud software
1-2 site visits per year

Medium-risk business

Builders merchant, large warehouse or small steel stockholder or manufacturer
+ £400 upstart fee
+ £150-175/mo for each additional site
Opus Safety Partnership consultancy support - including a dedicated consultant, written risk assessments, safety documentation, unlimited phone support and more
Opus Compliance Cloud software
Additional risk assessments for multiple equipment types
2 site visits per year

High-risk business

Large manufacturer or steel stockholder or builders merchant with onsite manufacturing
+ £1,500 upstart fee
+ £250-275/mo for each additional site
Opus Safety Partnership consultancy support - including a dedicated consultant, written risk assessments, safety documentation, unlimited phone support and more
Opus Compliance Cloud software
Additional risk assessments for multiple equipment types
Assessments and safe systems of work for complex processes
3-4 site visits per year